• What does the‘U’mean in the 1U/2U rack-mounted UPS battery?

    When purchasing rack-mounted UPS batteries, the buyers often mention professional terms such as 1U and 2U. What does‘U’mean? The ‘U’ stands for unit, which represents the external dimensions of the server. The size is determined by the Electronic Industry Agreement (EIA) as an industry group. The reason why the external dimensions of the server are stipulated is to facilitate the server to maintain an appropriate distance when installed on the rack, and to correspond one-to-one with the screw holes fixed on the rack to facilitate screw fixation. The “1U/2U rack-mounted UPS battery” is actually a UPS battery product that meets EIA specifications, and the product can be successfully installed on a server rack of corresponding size. The corresponding size and height of 1U is 1.75 inches = 4.445 centimeters, and 2U is twice the size of 1U, which is 8.89 centimeters, and so on. The design of the 1U/2U rack-mounted…

    Blog March 6, 2024
  • Why do lithium batteries need to be pre-charged?

    As we all know, lithium battery manufacturing is a highly technical, complex, and multi-process task, and each process has a vital impact on the battery. This article mainly explains to you the pre-charging in the lithium battery manufacturing process. Why is pre-charging required? What role does pre-charging play? Let’s explore together. Manufactured lithium batteries usually need to be pre-charged before being officially charged. Pre-charging is the process of charging the battery with a lower current. Its main purpose is to extend battery life and improve battery performance. The following is a detailed explanation on the necessity of pre-charging lithium batteries. Activating the battery: Newly produced batteries are in an extremely low voltage state. Pre-charging can slowly increase the voltage of the battery to a safe level by applying a smaller current to activate the battery and the chemicals in the battery, thereby increasing the battery capacity, improve its performance and…

    Blog March 1, 2024
  • What battery is best for off-grid solar?

    There are currently many types of off-grid solar batteries available on the market, and the various marketing advertisements are dazzling. It is not easy to choose the battery that is most suitable for you. This article will introduce you the main Off- grid solar batteries currently on the market. I hope it can help you make your choice. Today’s most popular off-grid solar batteries include flooded lead-acid batteries (FLA), valve-regulated lead-acid batteries (VRLA) and lithium iron phosphate batteries (LFP). These batteries are widely used because of their unique advantages, which is why these batteries deserve to be discussed, so let’s get start! Flooded lead-acid batteries (FLA) are the most traditional lead-acid technology and the most common lead-acid battery type, chosen for their lower upfront cost. However, they have a shorter lifespan (3-5 years), and needs regular maintenance, otherwise its lifespan will be affected. This type of battery is usually classified…

    Blog February 22, 2024
  • How to wake up a sleeping lifepo4 battery?

    If your lithium iron phosphate battery has been idle for a long time and is unable to power your device, it is not necessarily a battery failure. It may have entered a sleep mode, which is a “self-protection” mechanism of the battery. So, how can you wake up a sleeping lithium iron phosphate battery? Let’s find out! If you are unfamiliar with lithium iron phosphate batteries, you may not be aware of the sleep mode or protection mode. These modes are part of the built-in Battery Management System (BMS) of the battery, designed to facilitate the management of lithium iron phosphate batteries and to continuously monitor and detect the battery’s status. By setting certain conditions, the BMS activates protective measures to shut down the battery until it can safely operate again. Sleep mode means that the lithium iron phosphate battery is in a state of low power or no usage…

    Blog February 4, 2024
  • What is the principle of float charging of UPS batteries?

    A UPS (uninterruptible power supply) system is a device used to provide stable, uninterrupted power supply. It is widely used in various places that require continuous power supply, such as data centers, medical facilities and communication infrastructure. In order to ensure that sufficient power is provided during power grid outages or power fluctuations, UPS battery float charging plays a vital role. UPS battery float charging means that when the battery is fully charged, the charger continues to charge the UPS battery with a constant small current to balance the natural discharge of the battery, thereby ensuring that the UPS battery can remain fully charged during a power outage. The specific principle is as follows: In the power supply system, the rectifier and the battery are connected in parallel on the feeder. When the mains power is normal, the rectifier will supply power and at the same time recharge the battery…

    Blog January 25, 2024
  • How much do you know about battery categories ?

    With the continuous development of battery technology, various types of batteries and chemical terms have emerged, leaving many people with limited understanding of these terms. In order to help purchasers gain a better understanding of basic battery knowledge and choose the right battery for their needs, let’s explore some basic battery categories and their characteristics. Battery categories can be divided into two major categories: primary batteries and secondary batteries , sometimes also referred to as disposable batteries and rechargeable batteries. The primary battery refers to a non-rechargeable disposable battery that cannot be used after the battery energy is exhausted. The conventional standards include A , AA , AAA , AAAA , C , D and small , flat , disc shape, etc. They are mainly used in low-power devices that are used occasionally. They are relatively inexpensive, have a long shelf life, and are easy to maintain. Common primary batteries…

    Blog January 18, 2024
  • What parts are involved in customizing lifepo4 batteries?

    With the continuous advancement of lithium iron phosphate battery technology and the continuous expansion of application fields, more and more electronic devices are beginning to require the use of customized lithium iron phosphate batteries. So, what are the parts involved in customizing lithium iron phosphate batteries? As a customized manufacturer of lithium iron phosphate batteries, PLB will introduce to you the main parts involved in the customization process of lithium iron phosphate batteries, aiming to provide everyone with a better understanding of customized batteries. Customizing lithium iron phosphate batteries requires high professional technology and advanced production equipment. The main parts involved are: battery cell customization , BMS (battery management system) customization , Pack structure customization , etc. Therefore, completing the entire customization process requires a certain level of capability from the manufacturer. Battery cell customization Cell customization is the core part of the entire battery pack and the most critical…

    Blog January 11, 2024
  • Can lifepo4 battery be used as a starter battery ?

    A starter battery is a battery specially used for starting, lighting, ignition and power supply of vehicles, ships, etc. Currently, most starter batteries on the market rely on conventional lead-acid technology. With the continuous development of lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) battery technology, LiFePO4 batteries with higher energy density, longer lifespan, improved efficiency, and faster charging speeds have begun to gradually replace lead-acid batteries, becoming the preferred battery technology for starter batteries. Next, let’s talk to you in detail about why lithium iron phosphate batteries can be used as starter batteries. Long life and high utilization rate As we all know , the service life of traditional lead-acid batteries is very short , with an average battery cycle life of 300-500 times , while the cycle life of lithium iron phosphate batteries is more than 3000 times, which is several times that of traditional lead-acid batteries.Especially when applied as starter batteries…

    Blog January 4, 2024
  • Production technology and process of lifepo4 battery

    Lifepo4 batteries are widely used in UPS, starting power supplies, AGVs, medical equipment and energy storage systems due to their high energy density, long cycle life and good safety performance. This is inseparable from its production technology and processes. Next, I will introduce to you the production technology and process of lithium iron phosphate batteries, so that everyone can have a better understanding of lithium iron phosphate batteries. The main production process of lithium iron phosphate batteries can be divided into three stages: the electrode preparation stage , cell molding stage, and the capacitance forming and packaging stage . Among them, The first section includes equipment such as vacuum mixers, coating machines, and roller presses.The second section includes equipment such as winding machines, lamination stacking machines, and liquid injection machines.The third section includes equipment such as forming machines, capacity grading equipment, and warehousing and logistics automation. The First stage: electrode…

    Blog December 28, 2023
  • Why choose lifepo4 battery for AGV/AMR?

    With the continuous development of Internet technology, online shopping has become the norm in people’s lives, and various large-scale efficient distribution centers and warehouses are also increasing. In order to improve output and efficiency,autonomous mobile robots (AMR) and automatic guided vehicles (AGV) came into being to make warehouses and distribution centers work faster and reduce labor costs. However, the operation of AMR and AGV requires reliable and long-lasting power supply. Among many batteries, lithium iron phosphate battery has become the best choice for AMR and AGV. Why? Let‘s find out next! What are AGV and AMR? AGV stands for Automatic Guided Vehicle, and it is designed to transport heavy objects. It can take the form of a trolley, forklift, or other mobile vehicles. AGVs are powered by batteries and utilize radio signals or sensors for navigation. They operate autonomously along predetermined paths and no manual operation is required. AMR stands…

    Blog December 21, 2023
PLB focus on providing lithium ion batteries and 26650 cells and packs, welcome to inquiry.
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